Build a real estate dashboard 10x faster, without limits.

Quickly build a real estate dashboard tailored for property management, real estate investment, or brokerage services. Integrate it with your existing tech stack and codebase to scale without limits.

Loved by teams around the world

How to build a real estate dashboard

Deploy a high-performance real estate dashboard without hassle. Adapt and expand its functionalities as your real estate portfolio grows.


Integrate with your systems
Connect your dashboard to CRM systems, MLS databases, or property management software. Leverage built-in connectors for popular platforms or integrate with any Rest API, GraphQL, or SQL endpoint.


Drag and drop to build your app
Quickly assemble property listing panels, financial calculators, and customer communication modules. Use pre-built building block from the Plasmic library or bring your own custom React components.


Deploy anywhere
Launch your personalized real estate dashboard as a React application. Pick a hosting solution that aligns with your security and scalability requirements.

Why build real estate dashboards with Plasmic

From commission tracking panels to real estate KPIs, Plasmic lets you build custom dashboards that align with your internal operations and workflows.
Build and iterate in minutes
Making data-driven decisions on the fly is critical in the fast-paced real estate market. With Plasmic, you can leverage built-in components and integrations to build and iterate on pages incredibly fast.
Integrate with any systems
Real estate operations often require multiple tools—from CRM systems to property databases and financial software. Plasmic's capability to integrate with any tool means you can centralize all your data in a single application.
Scale with confidence
As your real estate portfolio and tech stack expands, so does the amount of data you'll need to manage. Plasmic lets you easily add more data sources, custom components, or users, without having to start from scratch.

Everything you need to build real estate applications

Get all the features for a custom real estate application that aligns with your needs, in a single platform.
Set of built-in building blocks
Leverage ready-to-use components like charts and tables. Drag and drop to quickly build dashboard pages. Code only where you need it.
Responsive design
Manage your real estate operations on any device, ensuring you're always ahead of any changes. Plasmic components and templates are responsive by default.
User management and auth
Set up role-based access controls to protect sensitive property data and client information. Ensure that only authorized personnel have access to specific dashboard features.
Custom components
For specialized needs, integrate custom React components into your dashboard. Tailor its functionality to fit your exact real estate requirements.
Dynamic values
Populate your dashboard with real-time property data and metrics, keeping your insights up-to-date. Ensure you're making decisions based on the latest information.
Design a custom UI
Ensure your dashboard aligns with your branding. Plasmic lets you customize everything, from layout to functionality.

Get started with templates

From trackers and ticketing systems to CRMs and dashboards, Plasmic lets you build business apps for every area of your business.

Enterprise-grade support at scale

Manage enterprise-level growth with ease. Scale your application and maintain control even as your operations grow and evolve.
On-premise deployment
Deploy your applications on-premise or behind firewalls for enhanced control and security.
Branching and approvals
Collaborate at scale by working on isolated copies, then review and merge when ready.
Shared libraries
Centrally manage assets across your organization. Import and reuse within various projects with ease.
Custom roles and permissions
Assign and manage fine grained access controls both within Plasmic and your applications.
SOC 2 compliance
Plasmic meets SOC 2 standards for secure handling of sensitive information.
SSO and domain capture
Available for for both Plasmic collaborators and end users of your application.
By far one of the most empowering tools to come out in a while. If you’re a no coder or visual developer who wants to make world class applications, or a design or development studio looking for a way to serve your clients better and faster — check out Plasmic.
CEOCollin Thompson
Intrepid Ventures

Frequently asked questions

What is a real estate dashboard?
Why should I build a custom real estate dashboard?
What should be included in a real estate dashboard?
Is Plasmic scalable for large volumes of data?
Can I build a mobile version of a real estate dashboard?