Plasmic vs Glide

Meet the Glide alternative that lets you build modern React applications of any shape or complexity. Plasmic integrates with any tech stack or codebase, allowing you to build truly scalable applications, instead of technical debt.
Loved by teams around the world

What makes Plasmic different?

Integrate with any data source
Glide restricts you to its supported data sources, but with Plasmic, you have the freedom to connect with more. Beyond the built-in connectors like Airtable, Google Sheets, and PostgreSQL, Plasmic also lets you connect to generic REST, GraphQL, or SQL endpoints. Plus, there are no row or row update limits.
Build high-quality apps
While Glide is great for building simple apps, Plasmic lets you build complex, multi-page applications at lightning speed. Use the visual interface to build with advanced state and interactions, and sprinkle code wherever needed. Build high-quality, modern React applications that you can genuinely take pride in.
Extend the platform
With Glide and other no-code platforms, you’re confined to the platform’s built-in capabilities. With Plasmic's open architecture, you can seamlessly integrate with any codebase or tech stack. Bring your own components, build new functionalities and tailor your app to meet any requirement.
make the switch

Comparing Plasmic and Glide

Plasmic stands out with its flexible features, unmatched customization, and generous free tier that lets you build unlimited applications.
Number of published apps
Limited on Free, Starter, and Pro
Integrate with any codebase
Custom components
Bring any components from your codebase
HTML/CSS components
Custom extensions
Code generation
Coming Soon
Internal database
Coming Soon
Platform whitelabel
Platform embedding
Data sources
Integrate with any data source
Row limitations
no limits
Limits range by tier
Row updates
no limits
Limits range by tier
Only for Business & Enterprise plans
Only for Enterprise plans
Style tokens & mixins
Artboard design mode
Figma to code import
Responsive by default
Custom roles & permissions
Content creator mode
Version control
Self-hosting or Plasmic hosting
Glide hosting only
Staging & production environments

Why you should switch from Glide to Plasmic

Searching for a no-code/low-code app builder that can keep pace with your vision? Try Plasmic. It integrates with your tech stack, lets you build simple to complex applications fast, and scales effortlessly alongside your business.

Build scalable apps, not tech debt

Glide's limitations can lead to workarounds that accrue technical debt when your needs exceed its offerings. In contrast, Plasmic integrates deeply with any tech stack or codebase. Build apps that can adapt and expand as needed by bringing you own data sources, components, auth, custom controls, design system, and more.

Create dynamic experiences

Craft dynamic, interactive experiences with advanced state management and interaction features. Unlike other no-code platforms, Plasmic gives you control over your application's state, allowing you to create rich, interactive experiences that react to your users' inputs and behavior in real-time.

Customize every pixel

Say goodbye to cookie cutter apps. With Plasmic, you can tailor every element, from layout to functionality, without compromising on quality or uniqueness. Build forms, tables, and UI components that are configurable, and fully customize your apps to match your brand and unique needs. Use Plasmic's best-in-class Figma-to-code plugin, so you can go from design to app in record time.

Better pricing that scales

Grow your operations without limitations. Plasmic offers unlimited applications and a higher quota of private and public users across all tiers. Plus, there are no row limits or update restrictions for any data source you plug into.