What is Plasmic

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Plasmic is a no code visual page builder that integrates with code. With Plasmic, non-developers can build and deploy web pages without any oversight from developers or managers. When needed, developers can also integrate these pages into any existing website or app codebase and go live in minutes.

As a result, we are removing the dependence on engineers and making it possible for non-developers like marketers, content creators, and designers to manage their processes end to end without any reliance on engineers, while also freeing up developers from pixel-pushing to focus on core business goals.

How does it work?

Plasmic works like a design tool to help you quickly iterate on your ideas and build out a visual representation of your web pages. Much like Figma, you can design projects simply by dragging and dropping pixels on a canvas. With the Plasmic Loader and Codegen abilities, your design can immediately be translated to code in several JavaScript frameworks via our headless APIs with full SSR support in minutes.

With Plasmic, you can go from ideation to production in these 3 simple steps:

  • Visually build pages and components.

    build pages visually

  • Integrate into your codebase

Integrate Plasmic into code

  • See it in production

Live in production

What about data fetching?

Plasmic supports a fully functioning Content Management System that allows you to define data schemas for your projects. This means that in addition to visual page building, you also have access to an API first headless CMS for data management.

What if I have my data elsewhere? In that case, you can bring your own data. We have integrations with several data providers like Supabase, Sanity, GraphCMS, Strapi and many more to come. If your data lives in these places or anywhere else, you can easily use your data from those external sources within Plasmic by selecting your preferred provider in the Plasmic components store.

What about e-commerce solutions?

Plasmic already integrates with popular e-commerce content providers like Shopify and Swell Commerce to ensure that you build out new variations of your store without needing to duplicate and manage your inventory from multiple sources. We are also working on adding more integrations with other commerce service providers to make Plasmic your one-stop-shop for building all kinds of e-commerce solutions.

Other things that make Plasmic great?

Happy you asked, in no particular order, here are some of my personal favorite features of Plasmic:

  • Code components - Code components are one of my favorite features of Plasmic. It gives you the ability to use custom code componentsā€”from your own codebase as a building block in Plasmic Studio. What this means is that developers and teams building on Plasmic can:
    • Use their existing design system.
    • Show dynamic data.
    • Use components of arbitrary complexity and behavior.
    • Introduce interactions, effects, and functionality not yet built into Plasmic Studio.
  • AB Testing - You can run A/B tests showing different versions of your pages to different users, optionally integrate with experimentation platforms like Google Optimize, and analyze the results in your choice of analytics platform
  • Personalization - You can conditionally show different versions in different circumstances. This is helpful for personalization or targeting specific audiences such as returning shoppers, logged-in users, visitors on mobile, partners, etc.
  • Localization - Plasmic works with localization frameworks like react-intl, react-i18next, lingui.js, and more to enable full page translation capabilities for your Plasmic sites. Plasmicā€™sĀ built-in headless CMS also supports full localization out of the box. Together with localizing your visually built pages, you can have one cohesive workflow for taking your website global.
  • Suit of starter templates- Plasmic has a wide range of starter templates covering categories like blogs, portfolio sites, restaurants, e-commerce, Saas, and so much more. You can build an deploy a fully functional Plasmic application in minutes using any of the existing starter templates which makes it super fast and convenient to build with Plasmic.

I hope this helps you make a better sense of what Plasmic is and the problems we are trying to solve. Should you have any more questions about Plasmic, feel free to join our Slack community and weā€™ll be there to support you.

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